
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Buy a T-shirt, Support the SPLC

Over here at Casa La Strega, I'm holding a little fundraiser for the Southern Poverty Law Center, and you're all invited.  (If this were real life, I would have an open bar, but as we're all on the internet, I can only send you a virtual martini, purtroppo.)  For a mere $15.00+ you can purchase this t-shirt through cafepress.  A third of the proceeds will go to the SPLC.  This is set up as a fundraiser, so you only have 21 days to make up your mind and quantities are limited.  Hey, what's more cheerful for spring than a yellow cotton shirt with a merry little bee stalking dangerously buzzing merrily about? C'mon, you know you want one!


  1. Why would I want to support an organization which already has hundreds of millions of dollars and whose leaders are multimillionaires who get paid an exorbitant salary contributing to their life of luxury?

    No thanks!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I chose the SPLC because it's the only organization I know of that is doing anything to monitor hate groups and identify them to law enforcement. And also because it's the group that the New Misogynists seem to hate and fear most. However, if you suggest a better alternative, let me know and I will donate your portion that group.


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