
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Pharyngula Speaks on My Behalf

That notorious "white knight" and godless liberal PZ Myers has kindly agreed to champion this lady's reputation.  For which she will always be grateful. 

-- Cynthia Gockley AKA "La Strega"


  1. Glad to be here, thanks to PZ Myers... It's nice to know some people are unafraid.

    1. Thanks, Comrade. Although I would not claim to be "unafraid".

  2. Hey Cinzia, Linked over from pharyngula to stand with you against those pathetic PUA-MRA types. You Rock!

  3. I grew up seeing my mum mentally and physically abused and reading Matt Forney's "How to Crush a Girl's Self Esteem" brought back memories of how awful living like that was. When my mum finally got the courage and importantly the support to stand up and say enough is enough, her (ex) boyfriend couldn't handle it and this Forney guy is just like him. I need to go shower now I feel sullied after reading his crap.

    1. That's the worst thing about the likes of Batt Spawny, how he's happy to stomp all over people's feelings in his quest to get people so offended they'll look in his direction. I'll be amazed if anyone outside the PUA's lower sanctums credit a single word he wrote about Cinzia.

  4. Thank you for being so authentic and confident. What a delight to have found your pages through PZ's post. He is a good man, and I am glad he could provide some exposure by sharing your story with his minions, I mean, 'followers'. :)

  5. Glad to learn about you Cinzia. It delights me that you willingly accept such exposure. You come across as authentic and confident. Oh, and articulate! Fine qualities. I expect most of PZs many minions would encourage you, as I do.

  6. Here via the white-knighting, and glad to discover your blog. Off to read some more posts!

  7. Keep up the good work, you are an inspiration! We have your back should you need it!

  8. Via PZ. Love finding new people to add to my feed:) It's nice to mature before being on the internet. We know (sort of) who we want to be.

  9. Here via PZ. It was great to grow up before the internet. Now we can curate (more or less) who we want to be known as. You are now known as awesome:)

  10. Bravo. I hope my daughters grow up to be as awesome as you!

  11. Also here thanks to PZ and, as the father of a daughter, wanted to give a shout-out to you. Dan Savage gave new meaning to the name Santorum. I wonder what we can do with Forney. Anyone have a suggestion?

    1. Doesn't life do enough to him by imprisoning him in a miserable existence?

  12. Hey there, just wanted to applaud your efforts/work. I only really became aware of the odious nature of the PUA/MRA crowd in recent years, but thanks to people like you I think boys are going to start thinking about this stuff at a much earlier age and it will make the misogyny/sexism a much harder sell to a well-informed public. And these idiots are SOOOO deserving of mockery...glad to see somebody willing to do the heavy lifting so effectively. Cheers-

  13. If santorum is "that frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex," then forney might be the frothy mixture of lube, semen and blood formed by chronically masturbating away the impotent rage that comes from hating reading feminist sites.

    1. That should be "HATE reading," not hating reading feminist sites. Please fix.

  14. Hi Cynthia. Nice to meetcha. Keep calling out the misogynists, okay. I'm an old white man and they embarrass me no end. :-)

  15. Glad to see you back blogging. I was worried when your blog went private. Not only do I enjoy your comments on the manosphere, but your insights on life as well.

    1. Thanks Vivian. I have been much bolstered by comments like this.

  16. I had wondered what happened to your blog...glad I didn't delete you from my favorites as I thought you had gone private permanently. Keep up the good fight! You rock!

  17. I took PZ's advice and mentionedyour sitation in my own humble little blog. I hope every mention helps.


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