
Friday, November 8, 2013

Sunshine Mary Turns Me Off

There aren't too many people that I want to imagine having sex, but of all the people in the world that I want to imagine having sex the least, I would choose Sunshine Mary.

It isn't just because she looks like Dana Carvey as "The Church Lady".  Or that her hair and glasses remind me of my own worst fashion choices in the eighties.  Or that she writes posts such as "In Defense of Duty Sex" (Close your eyes and think of England?).  No, it's not just because she is personally fashion-challenged and garbs every hateful thing she says in a cloak of piety.  Although that's all part of it.

It's because she is incredibly mean-spirited.

In response to a post on Dalrock about sad, remorseful divorcees (or, in his words, "post marital spinsters"), in which he quotes a pathetic woman who wrote on Cafe Mom that "When I pleasure myself (which unfortunately has been necessary since the split), I always end up in tears because it reinforces how lonely I am," Miss Mary gloats: "Welp, I don’t need to “pleasure myself” since, unlike Ms. Fabulous Frivorcee, I have a husband to do that for me, but I will cop to experiencing a rather delicious thrill of schadenfreude upon reading that sentence."

She hastily amends that she is just "kidding," that "actually, her letter is heart-breakingly sad. I’m glad she wrote it if it will save others from her awful fate. If more women are honest about the reality of divorce, as opposed to the fantasy, perhaps it will serve as a warning to the herd."

Her attempt to paint herself as caring and concerned makes her initial remark all the uglier.  Plus now I am left with the unfortunate image of Sunshine Mary's husband "pleasuring" her coupled with the proximity of the phrase "a rather delicious thrill."  Blecchh.


  1. Meh. She's a miserable, hurting lady with no self esteem who is married to a perpetual cheater. A perpetual cheater who made her have sex on the first date, so he's a jackass. She's just trying to drag others into her misery. I feel bad for her more than anything.

  2. I have said it before and I'll say it again - I'm addicted to SSM! She strikes me a bit like Katie Hopkins in the UK - making a name for herself by saying deliberately provocative things, while laughing behind her hand at the reaction it gets. But at the same time, I always wonder why she harps on and on and on about her sex life and how amazing her husband is - as does one of her regular commenters. They're sex obsessed...

  3. Ever since you posted on feministx, I've become fascinated with her. She's both so dumb yet so clueless and pathetic at the same time that I can't figure out if I hate her or pity her. So I'm curious to see if Sunshine Mary is even worse.

    These women of the manosphere, since you've profiled a few of them, now fascinate me far more than the men. The men are repulsive but at least make a certain amount of sense to me. I can see the mommy issues, the rejection issues, and put together a narrative. These women, though, are just a mess. My only thought is that maybe these women are afraid of true feminism because they feel they can't compete in a "man's world" and therefore like the idea of being with a traditional person that puts them on a pedestal and allows them to be taken care of?

    Many of feministx's recent posts really suggest a staggering level of incompetence and all-around cluelessness that boggles the mind. And apparently she is failing upward into an even more challenging job. Check out her most recent blog posts:

    Even worse is the advice the manosphere commenters are giving her. Talk about the blind leading the blind. And with this post I wonder if she's just trolling all of us. She can't be for real:

    1. Feministex is mentally ill. Seriously. Bipolar at least. She references her diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It's too bad. As I mentioned, I heard an audio clip of her singing, and she was really good. She claims to have graduated from an Ivy League school. She's got a slammin' body judging from her selfie. But... She's mentally ill, and that makes her blog painful to read, and must make her a complete pain to be around.

  4. Another thing I wonder after reading feministx's blog and just skimming sunshine mary just now: it's not hard to get an audience for a manosphere blog is it? no matter how terrible, nazelgazing, or poorly thought out a manosphere blog is, they all have dozens and dozens of commenters (usually many of the same ones). It seems like these manosphere blog readers are so desperate for an echo chamber that they will read and comment on any blog that espouses manosphere philosophy no matter what level of quality the writing and thinking is at. There are no standards.

    1. I popped over there and read some comments. These guys that are encouraging her remind me of a pack of dogs. A mob gaping at an accident victim...

  5. While I think she's delusional about her intelligence, given that she has shown very little common sense or smarts in her comments here, her singing is probably the one area where she's actually as talented as she believes.

  6. I used to know SSM and I am simply amazed at the about-face that she's done. She used to be fun and really cute, with a wicked sense of humor that would peek out every once in a while, often at the expense of herself.

    She tried very hard to be a mellow hippie, but she actually was sort of bossy. Her boyfriend (now husband) was also cute and funny and fun. She quickly showed that she wore the pants in that relationship. The only thing I can figure is that he rebelled against her bossiness by cheating. Now she's desperately trying to keep him under control through religion and gender roles, it seems. My guess is that his control is illusory.

    I've been fascinated with the way she glosses over or rewrites history when she talks about the past. She was very cute but not thin or a runner in her younger days. She was a charming flirt, maybe a bit of a tease and if she wasn't promiscuous, she led people to believe that she was. She also didn't meet her husband when "they" were students. He was a free spirit, a high school graduate but had never enrolled in college (or who had dropped out) and worked minimum-wage jobs to support himself. She helped put him through college. She has two biological children, not four. She has also written that she was from an intact home. That is not the way I remember it.

    What blows me away is the nastiness of her blog. I mean, I can respect people who have beliefs that I don't hold, and I can see why with a house full of kids a woman might do what she can to hold things together, but the glee and the judging and the attempts at shaming, just doesn't square with who I thought she was, or who she used to be. It's really sad to see.

  7. I come home to dogs myself although I don't dislike cats, thereby defying the stereotype of the barren spinster.

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