
Showing posts with label Roosh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roosh. Show all posts

Friday, January 25, 2013

Roosh Is Sad

I'm not alone in recognizing the black thread of melancholy that runs through Roosh's writing, that "tugs at [one's] heartstrings."

(One of his followers, Delicious Tacos, is sad too; however, his superior writing skill, sense of irony, and higher degree of self-awareness actually gives his blogging some pretension to literary merit.) 

How can I feel sorry for someone whose views I find so thoroughly repellant and even downright evil?  Well, what can I say?  I cheered the mob on during the Iranian Revolution of '77.  I rejoiced at the downfall of the corrupt Pahlavi Dynasty.  Yet I still wept for the Shahbanou as her husband died in lonely exile of cancer, and she lost two children to suicide. I even find pathos in reading about the last hours of Hitler and Goebbels.

I'm sorry that some people were ever born, yet their suffering and demise bring me no satisfaction: only further sorrow. See, I am sad, too, and in that respect have everything in common with every human on the planet.

In his video posts Roosh wears a plaintive expression and projects a low affect.  He occasionally clutches his head or his hands and looks down before locking his eyes on the camera.  He seems to emit a faint sigh as he launches into the sermon du jour.  The burden of his vocation weighs heavily upon his narrow shoulders.  Posts are often prefaced with mild physical complaints about his surroundings or health (and his travel guides demonstrate an uncommon obsession with the state of his bowels or the cleanliness of local toilets). I don't think I've seen him ever laugh, or even smile, in these posts.  His body language suggests that addressing his minions is rather a trial, more obligation than opportunity.  The backgrounds (often kitchenettes) suggest cold, stark, clean but inexpensive accommodations, empty as the life that inhabits them.  One commenter has observed that Roosh would look utterly at home posing for Unhappy Hipsters.

A lot of readers, including his own fan base, speculate what will happen to Roosh in the next decade.  I don't think anyone foresees a happy ending to this story.  Once he was a young guy who probably seemed, on the face of it, to hold a lot of promise, at least to his parents.  But the chances of picking up his pre-Roosh identity are dim.  Because of his notoriety, no U.S. company can ever hire him.  It is likely he would even have trouble trying to legally change his name.

Will he finally cross the line and be convicted of rape?  Will he be murdered by one of his victims, her friends or family members, or a vigilante group?

Perhaps he will emigrate to another country, but once his true identity is revealed in the process (and because he has relatively few assets), most countries will consider him undesirable.  Even if another country accepts him, he is unlikely to enjoy the lifestyle of a permanent expatriate, for as much as he complains about the "corruption" of American culture, he writes with even more contempt of, and less insight into, others.

In my girlfriend's parlance, He's really screwed the pooch, and I don't see any way out.  In the immediate future, he'll continue to milk his current roles as PUA guru and feminist provocateur even though he is only marginally successful at the former pursuit and widely mocked at the latter.  At any rate, time is running out, which is what most of us begin to understand in our thirties.  While a 33 year old hitting on club girls is pushing the socially-sanctioned limits of adolescence, a 40 year old doing the same thing is a universal object of ridicule.